What to expect at your visit


initial evaluation

Your physical therapy journey will begin with a one-hour evaluation where you will share your story, concerns, and goals in a safe, private environment. Together, we will review your medical history, examine the musculoskeletal and neurovascular systems, and formulate short term and long term goals to help you return to and maintain a higher level of function. If your pelvic floor is a source of dysfunction, it may be necessary to perform both an external and internal exam either vaginally or rectally, but this will be discussed during your first visit. Overall, it is important to assess the body as a whole in order to create a successful plan of care.


plan of care

Your follow-up visits will consist of one-hour private treatment sessions utilizing specific therapy techniques based on your individualized goals. There is no cookie cutter approach to skilled care, so frequency and duration of your plan of care will be set up to meet your personal needs. For all patients, the long-term goal following discharge from physical therapy is maintenance of progress using self-care techniques, exercise, and lifestyle modifications as needed.



At Total Balance Therapy, we offer fitness services in private sessions or in a group class setting. By participating in exercise in the clinic setting, you will have the opportunity to transition from your physical therapy plan of care into your exercise routine and maintenance program with peace of mind that you are performing appropriate exercises for your body.

However, you do not need to be a therapy patient in order to utilize our services to meet your fitness goals. We are here to serve you and our local community!

Our current group class offerings are Mat Pilates, Chair Yoga, and Body Positive Motion.


is physical therapy for me?

We offer Telehealth screenings for prospective patients!

A 30-minute video chat appointment will allow your physical therapist to evaluate if you are a candidate for therapy. In this conversation, you can discuss your concerns and goals then receive advice on taking the next step in your wellness journey.

Telehealth screenings are appropriate for patients with new pain or injury, experiencing pelvic floor dysfunction, who are looking for physical therapy advice on pregnancy or labor and delivery, and who are recently postpartum.